Cybersecurity Risk Management
Cybersecurity risk management must be understood as one of the fundamental pillars to safeguard the confidentiality, availability and integrity of information assets, critical infrastructures and personal data.
Risk Management is carried out in 5 main stages
At this stage, we try to find out what are the elements that can threaten the success of the project. The starting point is to discover the risks and define them in some detail and in a structured format.
An approach to mitigating each risk must be defined, which in some cases may be to do nothing. This requires an analysis of the acceptability of the risk, which often requires an action plan to prevent, minimize or transfer the risk.
Communication in each of these four previous stages is a fundamental part of an effective decision-making process in risk management.
Risks are evaluated in terms of probability and the impact of their occurrence. We can rate the risk as Low, Moderate and High.
A continuous process of supervision or monitoring is essential for proactive risk management, reassessing risks and monitoring the status of the treatments and controls implemented.
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